
you definitely need

What you can expect

Below you can choose between three categories. Each category contains some websites, which I think are useful. However, there are also websites that do not fall under one of these categories. They can be found below under the heading "A collection of some potentially useful websites".
  • The section Audio/Video contains sites to edit audio and videos, covert audio (and other files),
    and sites that help you downloading YouTube videos;
  • The section Money/Affiliate is about affiliate marketing and sites where you can earn money;
  • The third and last section Social Media contains some social media sites and other sites were you can socialize.
    It also has a link to my Rumble channel and some movie platforms.

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A collection of some potentially useful websites


  • Sites to edit audio and video
  • Convert audio (and other files)
  • Listen here to music
  • Sites at the bottom of the list are the least valuable


  • "Bank" Accounts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Make money

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