Hey there, my lovely visitor of this website, whose existence you just discovered. Allow me to give you some guidance. Nothing is more annoying than repeatedly searching on Google for your favorite sites that you use from time to time and then not being able to find them. Therefore, I have listed them for you. They include websites for editing audio and video in every possible way, and some sites regarding (making) money and affiliate marketing that I find interesting. Those can be found if you click on "Sites" in the menu. The second important thing I offer you for free is an extension/add-on that allows you to listen to YouTube videos undisturbed without having to click the annoying "are you there yet?" popup every couple of minutes. In addition, it also offers some other features. Click on "Extension" in the menu for more info. Since a few years I have also been collecting articles and videos - to be found in the menu of this site under "Articles" and "Videos" respectively - on various topics such as climate, corruption and wars as well as corona, which introduce you to another truth, not heard in the mainstream media. (Also see this Excel worksheet on covid.) In relation to this, this homepage also has a section with some news sites. Note that not everything is in English and some websites, articles and videos are also in German, French or Dutch. If you want to know more about me regarding things I do, see my Github profile. There you can also find a filter list for Dutch sites to block ads and bypass anti-adblock.Have you become interested or planning to use one of my "products" or are you already using them and are satisfied? If so, would you also consider supporting me financially via PayPal and/or subscribe to my YouTube channel, of which some playlists can be found below (the first one contains videos I made myself and which are worth it that you watch them and listen to it)? That would be very much appreciated. I will not detain you with stories any longer. Browse around and enjoy!
Some non-mainstream news & science websites:
1. franklinterhorst.nl | 2. Weet Magazine | 3. Maurice.nl | 4. blckbx.tv | 5. StopWorldControl | 6. NineForNews |
7. WantToKnow | 8. Dissident.one | 9. Clintel (climate) | 10. NaturalNews | 11. Eindtijdklok | 12. Complot.Wiki |
1. franklinterhorst.nl | 2. Weet Magazine |
3. Maurice.nl | 4. blckbx.tv |
5. StopWorldControl | 6. NineForNews |
7. WantToKnow | 8. Dissident.one |
9. Clintel (climate) | 10. NaturalNews |
11. Eindtijdklok | 12. Complot.Wiki |